So, this week was a dichotomy of sorts:
We got the bad news that Amy wasn't going to get 90 days severance, but only 30. It may have been what was technically in her contract, but certainly hinged on the fact that she wouldn't have quit if I hadn't been fired. When you are unemployed, finding out you are getting even less money simply isn't something you want to hear.
However, in the midst of receiving this bad news I also received many blessings.
One, JP has become such a good friend, business partner and brother. He looked at me this week, and basically said, 'Hey, I feel more and more confident about what we are doing from a business stand point. Every day, every meeting makes me more sure we're doing the right thing.' That was incredibly validating, and really was valuable, coming from him.
Second, Tammy at the Duncan Holdings Office remembered me. She called DeeDee about a copier they had which they were getting rid of. She had thought maybe I might need it in my new business, which we certainly do!! But it wasn't about the gift of a copier. It was being remembered. After pouring my life into some folks at Park Row for several years only to seemingly be forgotten at a moment's notice when I was fired, it was incredibly special to be remembered by Tammy. Now Tammy isn't someone I am especially close to. Really, I only know her because of DeeDee, and I only saw her every so often when she came in the Park Row Office and we would joke and laugh together. But she is a lovely lady and a Christ follower, and she remembered me. Thanks, Tammy!
Third, when I desperately needed to move this HUGE copier, I called Corey and he dropped what he was doing to come help. I really hated to do it, because I knew he had some filming going on that day, but I did it any way. When you KNOW you can call someone in a pinch, it really makes your day that much better!
So, it is a gift sort of week for me, and I decided to share that with you. So, here is a piece of Bible trivia, and the winner will receive a copy of MY favorite Nooma film, DUST. The first correct answer will win the DVD, but if I get a great response, we might offer a few more gifts, as well, to spread the giving around!
Which authors (Old AND New Testament are Gentiles by birth?) -- oh, and try not to simply google this...let's do a little STUDY, OK?)
Ruth was a Moabite, but I don't know who wrote her book. And I know Timothy was a Greek, but Paul wrote the letter to him. Luke is the only NT candidate I can think of. And Job is the only OT person that I think could be Gentile, but again, I don't know who wrote his book...it could have been a Jewish author.
Hmmm...here speaketh the Bible scholar? Any other thoughts, guesses, etc.?
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