This Sunday I am using as the text a section of scripture from Luke 5:17-26, where some friends bring a paralytic man THROUGH the ROOF to get to Jesus. The place where Jesus is located is so full they can't get through the doors to Him, and so they give up. NO!!!!! They carry him up to the roof, and start ripping the roof apart! As they lower the paralyzed man through the roof, Jesus looks at this little group, and it says in verse 20...'When Jesus saw THEIR faith, He said friends your sins are forgiven!' They were BOLD in bringing their friend to Christ, and I think we need to be BOLD in our own prayers actions.
Luke follows this section up a few verses later in Chapter 6, with his version of the beatitudes, where Christ says:
* We should accept and rejoice when we are hated for the Lord's sake (6:22-23)
* We should love our enemies, because who gets credit for loving those who already love us (6:32)
* We should forgive, for with the measure we use, it will be measured to you (6:38)
Now THAT is BOLD stuff! As we prepare for our gathering this Sunday..how BOLD have you been in your faith this week?
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