Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Luke 11...Continued

We didn't get a chance on Sunday to discuss the rest of Luke chapter 11, but there is a very interesting section from verses 14-28 where Jesus talks (on the surface at least) about demon possession. the underlying conversation seems to be about the strongholds within each person's life. In verse 23, Jesus says, 'Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.' In a world that doesn't like black and white issues, this appears to me to be a very simplistic thing. Like a light switch that must be either off or on, Jesus says, you must be with him or scatter. I think the additional possibility is that if your hands are full of your own 'stuff', then you can't gather the things or people Jesus has called you to gather.

Jesus then goes on to say, 'When an evil spirit comes out of anyone, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.' I think, of this whole chapter, this might be the most relevant portion for us today. When I decide to lose some weight, and start watching my eating habits, but DON'T exercise in addition to changing my eating habits, the change never lasts. To change a bad habit, you must REPLACE the habit with another practice, as well as all the circumstances that surround the bad habit.

Finally, we read: 'As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you. He replied, blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.' Jesus seems to be speaking to all these people He meets throughout the book of Luke about the things they hold dear...family or friends or possessions or whatever, and he consistently turns their whole world upside down. Someone says something definitive that seems to make sense and Jesus says the opposite. I don't think he's being obstinate, I think He is consistently challenging his listeners to look at their world in a completely new and different way from the norm in their society.

How might Jesus be asking us to look at our world in a fresh way today?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Light and Darkness

If you read Luke 11:35-36 you will find the following...

'See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.'

I have struggled over the years, trying to figure out how to be full of the light. In my effort to accomplish this, I immersed myself into nothing but Christian music and literature for a period of time -- but still I found myself a mix of light and darkness. So then I went the other direction, and sort of scorned the "Christian-eze', but after a season, I realized I was still a mix of light and darkness.

I realized that this was not the reason for my being full of light or full of darkness. So, here I am, still pursuing that ideal of perfect light...

Turn To Me...

"O my child, I have waited long for your coming. My eyes have grown weary with watching, and my heart heavy with longing for you.

For I have said 'Rest in Me', but you have striven. I have said, 'Stand Still', but you have continued to run. I have called, but you have been listening to human voices.

Turn to me.

You do not need to do more. Like the sinner who misses the gift of saving grace through absorption in good works, so you, My child, have missed My sweet reality in your frantic effort to please Me."

-- Frances J. Roberts

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Sign on previously mentioned Church building near our office. Content changed, my feelings remain the same:

'7 days without prayer makes one weak.'

Better theology, but...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Only if you mean it...

For the last several years I have had a personal code I try very hard to live by...if I'm not willing to sign my name on the dotted line that I said it, then I am not going to speak it into life. I have not always lived up to that high standard, I'm sure...but it has served as an excellent gatekeeper for my tongue.

In much the same vein, Amy Foster really got me thinking yesterday. She said she didn't know what really being a sold-out disciple might look like today. After reflecting on Amy's question, I realized that I have actually made some revisions in the past few weeks about what I believe true discipleship might look like...

I believe that God has more in store for us than being 'good Church attenders.' I believe being a disciple means a whole lot more than I was ever taught that it did. I believe God is calling me to live radically for Him in the context of a culture that pays little attention to him. I believe that God can send me out into this world however He chooses to...with money, without money, to the Holiday Inn EXPRESS, to the streets, etc.

But what, to quote Mrs. Foster, does discipleship really look like -- day in and day out?

This morning I was reading in Rob Bell's new book (thanks to Casey) and I came upon this...'ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT. This would make an excellent mantra, wouldn't it?'

What if we only did those things we REALLY meant? If we spent so much time with God that we came to value the things He valued and then only thought, said or did those things we really mean?

Now that, I believe, is something to ponder as you begin your week. Thanks to Rob Bell and Amy Foster...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Discipleship, Part 2

For this Sunday, September 20th, we will be looking at some passages on discipleship and watching another video by archaeologist and historian Ray VanDerLaan. The specific texts we will be looking at are:

Luke 9:1-9 Jesus sends out the 12
Luke 9:57-62 Counting the cost of following Jesus
Luke 10:1-24 Jesus sends out the 72

Hope to see you on Sunday!

Grace and Peace

Thank You!

Thanks to all who helped me celebrate my 40th birthday last night. I enjoyed all of the cards, gifts and well wishers. It meant a lot to see everyone out in force at Tres José...I was completely shocked, and had NO idea it was coming! I feel totally loved and blessed, and wish I could truly express to you what I feel in my heart for each one of you!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Following our discussion this morning, I just wanted to post a couple of questions and thoughts that were raised so you can chew on them further this week...

1. This morning we discussed the people in our lives who we felt had shown us the greatest picture of discipleship. Most of the people mentioned were what one might term 'average folk.' Aunts, friends of the family, grandparents, etc. Folks who loved and served and consistently lived out the presence and spirit of Christ in front of us.

Based on these examples, what do you think the true definition of a 'disciple' is?

2. What does it mean to be a disciple in our culture today? Is it different today than it was in the time of Christ? Why or why not?

3. Turn and look at the end of Matthew 28...why do you think Jesus specifically commissioned his followers to go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations? How is that that different than the commission offered in many American Churches today?

4. In the video we watched, Ray Vander Laan challenged his listeners that the disciple (talmid) is not someone who wants to know what the rabbi knows, rather he or she is someone who wants to BE what the Rabbi IS. A disciple, Vander Laan says, is 'consumed with being like our rabbi.' How consumed are we today? How badly do we want to be like Jesus?

I pray that this is a GREAT week for you, and may you be covered in the dust of your rabbi!

Starting a new week!

'O my child, I have waited long for your coming. My eyes have grown weary with watching, and my heart heavy with longing for you. For I have said, "Rest in me," but you have striven. I have said, "Stand still," but you have continued to run. I have called, but you have been listening to human voices.

Turn to me.

You do not need to do more. For you will find your quest ended. Then you will see how futile has been all the struggle. Like the sinner who misses the gift of saving grace through absorption in good works, so you, My child, have missed My sweet reality in your frantic effort to please Me.'

As we begin another week, take a deep breath, relax and sink into God's all-encompassing love for you!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tomorrow's Gathering


In case you are just wondering what we might be doing at our gathering tomorrow, here goes:

We will be looking at Luke 8, the Parable of the Sower, particularly the first few verses prior to the actual parable.

Also, we will be watching part of a video by one of the greatest theologians of our time, Ray VanderLaan, about the meaning of discipleship!

So, if you get a chance...take a look at Luke 8!

Grace and Peace

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Church That Shall Remain Nameless Near My Office

OK, in the classic vein of REALLY bad Church signs...this one is right next to the Peripetee Office.

You can't spell victory...

With an absent 'T'.

Clearly this will bring thousands flocking to Christ. Argh.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sleep Tight

I am here at my computer, having had a marginal day which was uplifted, as usual, by my book club and time at the Foster's. In addition, Connie Bingham gave me a devotional book this evening, and it had something in it that I just HAD to share with you!

'Behold, I am near at hand to bless you, and I will surely give to you out of the abundance of Heaven.
For my heart is open to your cry; yes, when you cry to me in the night seasons,
I am alert to your call, and when you search after me, the darkness will not hide my face;
It will be as the stars which shine more brightly in the deep of night.

Even so it shall be.'

And that reminded me of my favorite compline prayer from the book of common prayer...and I am praying it for each of you tonight, especially for the Akins....Bill, Donna, Brandon, Katie and Elisabeth...

'Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.'

Singing through life

After working with DeeDee and Steve for several years, I can't believe I am blogging about this, but here goes:

One of the hallmark passages for restoration people comes from Ephesians 5:19: 'Speak to one another with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.' This is one of the two passages in the New Testament from which our forefathers derived our plan for a cappella worship.

On a similar note, I'm not sure if you are aware of it or not, but DeeDee SINGS! She has a beautiful voice, and she uses it CONSTANTLY! Driving down the road, sitting at her desk, watching TV, doing her hair, whatever. She is humming or singing something. Now, while she does have a gorgeous voice, it can occasionally be a slight annoyance when she is on her 53rd song of the day, and it isn't 11:00 am yet!

But the real meaning of that passage in Ephesians 5, I believe, will back DeeDee up in her 'songful' approach to life. Nowhere in that passage does it seem to indicate that Paul is referencing what we do when we gather as a body (sorry to my ancient forefathers!). Instead, he seems to be teaching us how 'we should walk in the way of Love, as God showed us love through Christ.' We should be the kind of people with a song in our heart as we be-bop down the street!

Now that can get hard, especially when life seems to have turned out differently than you had planned for it to go. But don't lose heart! And, 'always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.'