For the last several years I have had a personal code I try very hard to live by...if I'm not willing to sign my name on the dotted line that I said it, then I am not going to speak it into life. I have not always lived up to that high standard, I'm sure...but it has served as an excellent gatekeeper for my tongue.
In much the same vein, Amy Foster really got me thinking yesterday. She said she didn't know what really being a sold-out disciple might look like today. After reflecting on Amy's question, I realized that I have actually made some revisions in the past few weeks about what I believe true discipleship might look like...
I believe that God has more in store for us than being 'good Church attenders.' I believe being a disciple means a whole lot more than I was ever taught that it did. I believe God is calling me to live radically for Him in the context of a culture that pays little attention to him. I believe that God can send me out into this world however He chooses to...with money, without money, to the Holiday Inn EXPRESS, to the streets, etc.
But what, to quote Mrs. Foster, does discipleship really look like -- day in and day out?
This morning I was reading in Rob Bell's new book (thanks to Casey) and I came upon this...'ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT. This would make an excellent mantra, wouldn't it?'
What if we only did those things we REALLY meant? If we spent so much time with God that we came to value the things He valued and then only thought, said or did those things we really mean?
Now that, I believe, is something to ponder as you begin your week. Thanks to Rob Bell and Amy Foster...
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