Friday, October 30, 2009
Burying the tendril

Friday, October 23, 2009
Lost something?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Soul

The soul, in many religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies, is the spiritual and eternal part of a living being, commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; as distinct from the physical part. It is typically thought to consist of ones consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self. The soul is believed to live on after the person’s physical death, and some religions posit that God creates souls. In some cultures, non-human living things, and sometimes other objects (such as rivers) are said to have souls, a belief known as animism.
-- Wikipedia
It can be tough to differentiate at times between soul and spirit, terms which are often used interchangeably. But check out these verses, which list them side by side, thereby suggesting that they are, in fact, different.
* I Thessalonians 5:22-24
* Hebrews 4:11-13
* I Peter 2:10-12
* Ephesians 6, ESPECIALLY verse 12. It seems that there are realms which we may sense, but cannot ‘see’ that are playing a part in our story. Quantum Physics is backing that up at the moment, discussing dimensions that are there but may not be ‘visible’ to the naked eye. So, what is our soul? Does it change as time goes on? What is the difference between our soul and our spirit?
Finally, it may help to go back and look at the Creation story in Genesis 1, especially the part about man in verses 26-ff. God endows qualities within man that are not given to others, the most important one being that we are designed in God’s own image. What does that mean? How are we LIKE God? We aren’t eternal or all-knowing, so which attributes of the God-head are we like? OK, your turn to chime in now!
Luke 13

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A toast to Donna Akins
Eschatology - what the hell does that mean?

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Narrow Door

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Upcoming Calendar!
Luke 12