Common Meal Tomorrow: The Best Hamburgers this side of the Pecos Valley!
I was at mentoring group this past Thursday, and Grady quoted Brian McLaren...McLaren said of his upbringing in the Plymouth Brethren Movement that he grew up in the Church of the last detail. They worried about everything...the kind of music that could be used in worship, who could what during their gathering time, what decorations could be put up in the auditorium, what time the worship gathering should end, etc. They crossed every 'T' and dotted every 'I', and to be a part of their group you had to do the same.
I grew up in a similar situation -- only the name brand was different, I learned quickly that you had to toe the line or you would find yourself outside of the club. Then, as an adult, I began to learn about things like Grace, and how unmerited favor has been bestowed on each of us.
So that makes the passage from Luke 13 something of a throwback, especially verses 22-30. What does the narrow door mean?
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