Many ministers would move on from Pilot Point after a couple of years to a Church closer to the freeway, or where new rooftops are appearing. Who could blame Craig if he wanted to move to a larger Church that could offer a higher salary, more benefits, and other staff members to work alongside?
But instead Craig has been faithful in his ministry to the people of Pilot Point. He brings thoughtful, insightful lessons from God's Word. He reads widely in an effort to be the best minister he can be. He has pioneered a new 'program' called 'Be The Church Nights'. These happen once a quarter on Sunday nights, and this little Church has been able to bring the healing power of Christ to their small community in big ways. They have brought school supplies to nearly 100 needy children as well as provided shoes and diapers for needy children, and cared for shut-ins and orphans.
And Craig delivered one of his greatest sermons a couple of years ago, when he and Jennifer gave up their parsonage because they felt the kingdom needed it more. They have had a steadily growing number of kids attending on Wednesday nights in the last few years, and they felt they needed to have the necessary space, so Craig and Jennifer decided to find someplace else to move and let the youth group use the parsonage as their home base. Thus, he surrendered one of the great benefits
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