Consider some of the images God uses to reveal himself in the Old Testament:
* A burning bush (Exodus 3:2)
* A pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 13:21-22)
* A glory cloud that covered the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-35)
* An angelic male messenger (Joshua 6:12)
* A lion (Hosea 5:14)
* A shepherd (Psalm 78:71)
* A farmer (Psalm 80:8)
* A vinegrower (Isaiah 15)
* A lover (Jeremiah 3:20)
* Even a drunken soldier (Psalm 78:65)
Why so many images? What do they all mean? Why can't God just declare Himself to be God?
How about a mother hen *Psalm 17:8
I think this is another way that God comes near to us...by giving us simple ways for our simple minds to understand just a little bit of who He is.
I think it would be great if he would just sky-write or email to the world that He is God, but then that takes away the whole faith aspect.
Amy G.
Oh, how about our rock * Psalm 18:2
I thing He intends to keep a "shroud of mystery" about himself to keep us searching in our own ways to find Him. It's about trust and faith.
Besides, when he came to Earth as "God with skin on" He was rejected by most folks.
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