* Genesis 4 -- The story of Cain & Abel. The Hebrew word Timshel. Meaning MAYBE. It MAY BE that you will make a good choice, Cain, but it MAY NOT. And remember, sin is crouching at your door.
* Philippians 1/2 -- You should have the SAME mind as Christ Jesus -- who EMPTIED Himself and became obedient, even to death ON A CROSS. Oh, and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
* Ephesians 2 -- Salvation is GRACE. PERIOD. YOU DID NOT EARN THIS. You were ALL dead in your sins when Christ saved you. Yet you also are God's POIEMA, or masterpiece of craftsmanship.
* I Corinthians 5/6 -- So, there is this guy. Part of your community. Doing bad stuff. Seriously bad stuff. You have allowed him to continue in that. Even encouraged it, because we are all 'free'. NO. Drive him out. Root and branch. I MEAN IT. GONE. And about that whole taking other believers to court thing? NO. If you do, you have already lost. WHY NOT SUFFER WRONG? WHY NOT RATHER BE DEFRAUDED?
* II Timothy 4 -- Do what I have taught you. Forget that you are young, because when folks are not doing what God wants them to do (and he provides an EXHAUSTIVE list), then I want you to REPROVE...REBUKE and EXHORT them. But do so with complete patience. Now that is a new twist on Church leadership. Totalitarian authority combined with TOTAL patience. Hmmm....
* Galatians 5/6 -- So don't allow FORMS of religion, such as CIRCUMCISION, to become more important than GOD. DON'T do these things, such as...anger, rivalry, dissension, envy, drunkenness. But RATHER be FILLED with the Spirit and its fruit...peace, joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness. For when we make the FORM more important than the FUNCTION, we REMOVE THE OFFENSE OF THE CROSS.
* Finally, Acts 15 -- where there is a problem about believers being circumcised. And as hard as it is for us to realize today, the word of the Apostle Paul could not carry the day. So Paul and Barnabas are sent to Jerusalem, where they lay their case before Peter and the other Disciples. At the end of an extended period of debate, James, whichever James this is, stands up and renders his 'judgment'. No sexual immorality, no blood, no food sacrificed to idols. But what about the rest of the Torah? NO COMMENT. And this seemed good to everyone, so they sent letters to the Churches...WHAT? Where are the rest of the laws and commands? Why does James get to render judgment? Why aren't Peter or Paul or even Barnabas elected to this job?
So, as we segue back into Romans, it is with this backdrop:
1. There clearly are things we should do and some we shouldn't. (Galatians 5 & I Cor. 5)
2. While this is set against a backdrop of grace (Ephesians 2) and a sense of humility modeled upon Christ (Philippians 2) -- there is still a strong sense that we should step in when folks are out of line (I Corinthians 5 & II Timothy 4).
3. And why do you think you should be relieved from suffering? Why would you not think it better to suffer for Christ? (I Corinthians 6)
4. Because at the end of the day, man apparently has a consistent problem with holding up a particular pattern of worship as being more important than the worship itself. Whether that problem stems from circumcision (Acts 15 & Galatians 5) or clapping or instrumental music, the tide of the Church seems to constantly deposit us on this same beach. And how do we choose who gets to make the final choice, or be the one who rebukes us back on the right path? How do we choose between Peter, Paul and James? Because TIMSHEL is still in place, and it MAY BE that we make the right choice, but even if we don't, sin is still crouching at our door. So, Goebel Music, where is the PATTERN for us to behold?
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