Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Note from Melonie Brown

Dear House Church Members:

This is a note of heartfelt thankfulness and gratitude for all the acts of kindness and love shown to me during my visit with Corwin in November and December. It began with being picked up at the airport and then taken out for dinner and grocery shopping. A bed was loaned to us so i didn't have to sleep on the couch. We were invited into family gatherings for wonderful food, great fellowship and games galore. We were given the use of a van (with a tape player in it:-)_
so I wouldn't need to walk all over Texas. So many new teas to 'sip' and enjoy talking and laughter stirred into the mix. A trip to a Christmas Tree Farm enjoying God's beauty all around us. Being able to play and be a kid again. Given gas money for our trip to Colorado (that trip was a true blessing and I'm so thankful for it's healing touch :-)

Thank you again for the love and support! Melonie Brown

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