Hey, everybody! Hope you are keeping your schedule clear January 8-10 for our upcoming House Church retreat in Dallas. Charles Kiser from the Storyline Christian Community in Uptown Dallas will be coming to share the story of what God has been doing in their recent Church plant. We will also be using different House Church folks to serve as small group facilitators and resource speakers. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW! Don't allow other things to crowd into your schedule...this is an awfully important event in the life of this little group!
To get a good count, please let me know by December 1st if you plan on going so we have enough hotel rooms. We will be staying at the Springhill Suites in Addison. The price is $50 / person for multiple people in a room, more if you think you snore too badly and have to have your own room! :-)
This price includes lunch and dinner on Saturday, as well as your room and retreat materials (Breakfast is also included in with your room price). We want EVERYONE in our House Church to come, so talk to me if money is going to be a difficulty. We will probably meet to leave Friday around 6pm at our house and head up the George Bush Turnpike to try and beat the traffic. We'll grab a quick dinner somewhere and get settled in at the hotel! Click the picture above to get a detailed schedule you can print off!
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