One of the most painful lessons to learn these last few months has been the awful truth that the 'reality' I had been living for the last several years was, in reality, a hologram. It looked good, liked the eagle on the credit card, but it simply wasn't real. I knew this because of all my 'close' friends who apparently forgot that I existed overnight. Friends who had accepted love and hospitality from our hand but then turned their backs on us when we were no longer useful to them. Folks who claimed to follow Christ, who claimed we were 'family', yet couldn't be bothered to lend a hand when we were down and nearly out. This has been a most bitter pill to swallow for someone who has preached community and togetherness within the body of Christ throughout his entire adult life.
1. Wisdom, coupled with belief, is a powerful entity. I am so thankful to Betty Nelson and Bobby Hoover for providing me with both. They both believe in me, but also are not afraid to offer me their wisdom when they think I need it. For this I am deeply grateful.
2. I believe that Joy and Hope are the most noticeably 'different' qualities in a Christian's life. I Peter says that you and I are to 'always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that we have.' This would seem to suggest that folks should notice something different in us, something joy-full and hope-full, and then ask us about it. In the face of extremely difficult times DeeDee and Earl have always been just such a breath of fresh air in my life. You guys are like a cool Summer Breeze that never seems to stop blowing, even when times are tough.
3. Faithfulness and Fidelity are traits I value above all others. Greg and Bill, I appreciate the way you have stuck by your guns in the past months. From the meeting about 'wineries' forward, you have been completely consistent and forthright, even when you felt I needed to change something I was doing. But you have never treated me differently than you had previously. To my entire House Church, and especially to the group that hosted the 'meeting' - Bill, Donna, Greg, Betty, Bobby and Terry, I say thanks for your willingness to stand tall for what you believe to be right.
4. Stepping up to the plate is hard to do, but we always seem to grow best in times of adversity. It seems like it forces us to take steps we wouldn't ordinarily make. I was so aware of this one Sunday at the Elliott barn when Ray suggested that he had been on spiritual autopilot but he was now awake and listening for what God had to say. That was such a powerful moment for me. I also remember asking Connie to close us in prayer on one of our first Sundays, and she looked at me and said, 'I would be honored'. And I knew that those words were COMPLETELY true. This painful experience was opening doors before my very eyes.
5. Sometimes the most beautiful moments come in the simplest activities. There are some Sunday nights, when we have shared the common meal at AXIS, and had our devotional, when I look around the room(s) and smile. Different groups will be deep in conversation, laughing and talking and sharing community. I LOVE IT!
Then out of nowhere, someone will say something, or I will break into one of my comedy routines or someone will do something goofy, and then Taylor will start laughing. Now let me tell you, there are few pleasures in life as rich as Taylor Price laughing deeply. Her eyes roll back in her head, and briefly her breathing is suspended. Then she rocks forward, while she waves her hand in front of her face, telling us not to do anything else, or she may explode. Recently we have added Amanda McLemore to this mix, and to get the TWO of them going is a rare pleasure indeed!
Or it might even be out at my fire pit on a Tuesday evening, a place Keith Bailey loves and calls his own. We get to talking and laughing, and I am trying to keep Kara from disturbing the ladies Bible study that is going on inside, because she is so loud, boisterous and full of life. Few people I know enjoy life like she does, and it is infectious!
Or it may be our wonderful book club, which rarely studies the actual book assigned, but more often than not really DOES Church.
Small, simple, everyday moments that make for a rich life.
6. HONESTY. Rare and beautiful though it is, I have begun to experience it within the community of Christ in recent months. From finding out that a certain blonde sister tried smoking and driving her daddy's truck at age 13, to a certain brown brother who helped his older siblings in their illegal escapades because his hands were the smallest, I have begun to know the people I worship alongside deeply and honestly. Sure they have foibles, but how awesome is it to know someone inside and out? To know that you can truly depend on someone and that you know the real them. I mean, I have known Stacy for over 8 years, but have now learned more in the last 6 months about her than the rest of that time combined, and how great a gift is that? Stacy is a treasure!
And I know I already said this, but it is a powerful thing to be in a group of people where Donna can say 'What the Hell does that mean?' in response to part of the sermon, which was a VERY truthful response that I am sure many people have wanted to express during the sermon time. Or to have Jeremy Walraven ask one of his really deep questions because he feels like he can! Those are GREAT moments!
7. FAMILY. Let me tell you about family. Family is being allowed to feed jello to Amy Foster after her surgery (she HATES to let anyone help her) - or Anne bringing us dinner when we are stressed out beyond belief - or the joy of watching my children watch Becky Bingham come through the door - or having Betty Nelson as a surrogate mother - or having so many people around who also love your children - or having your best friends fly back from Panama at the darkest hour of your life. Now those are experiences of family.
8. HOME. Lester, Taylor and Caitlyn have all mentioned how much they feel at home, well, in our home. Yet for me I feel the most at home within the safety and proximity of this group of people. Even when Jamie and Jeremy are being robbed once, twice, three times a lady - sorry, couldn't resist :-) - there is the book club showing up at their door, coming to help pack boxes and get the stuff out before anything else can be stolen. And I swear to you, in those moments when their 'home' was being transported down to David and Cindy's house, there was still a feeling of home to me, because we were together, sharing even in the painful moments of life.
9. Youth and wisdom coming together. My children get to have a fun 'kid' song each Sunday. Donna doesn't always want to play along :-), but I will assure you that someday Nathan, at least, will remember doing Church in his home in such a way that he truly was a part of what was happening.
And to have young couples like Jamie / Jeremy, Corey / Deanne and Robert / Sofia, right alongside folks like Betty and Bobby, who are perched on the entrance ramp of their ninth decade on this earth. To have teens like Kara and Becky, as well as 'mature' folks like Jack, Theresa, Bill, Donna, DeeDee and others who have been around people of faith for quite some time now. That is truly a 'community of faith'.
10. To have a community of people that value the arts - from JP's guitar playing to Donna's sewing - to Greg's artwork - to Kate's jewelry - to Kara and DeeDee singing, for all of these and more, I am truly grateful. I was blown away at the response to our little coffee shop night, and I look forward to more opportunities to share as we use all of the avenues God has given us to express ourselves for His glory.
11. Finally (I did say 10-ish!) I am remiss if I do not include my wife, who lovingly cleans our home every week so that we can have house Church and AXIS in her space. She never complains about cooking or cleaning or having so many people in our home, but always plays the role of perfect hostess, even though she now works full-time, and for that I am grateful. I could ask for NO BETTER partner in my life than Amy, and even as we celebrate 18 years together, it get better and richer every year.
So, all that to say, THANK YOU! For being a part of our lives and sharing the blessing of who you are, THANK YOU! And may we all continue to be richly blessed as we seek His face!
Grace and Peace
Today was glorious! All of us packed into the living room for praise and Bible study really illustrates the "family" aspect of God's family. I love the closeness. Reminds me of Christmas at my grandparents in Winters, Tx. 13 children / 8 adults.. 2 bedrooms / 1 bath. Thank you, Ryan & Amy, for opening your home and allowing us all to be a family.
Doesn't the fire burn away the impurities leaving what is of real value? The 1983 fires of Yellowstone were painful and destroyed a lot that many valued as irreplaceable, but it happened and now there are new plants and trees which could only be experienced thru fire. Certainly there are some old things that we will miss which are no longer there, but onward and upward, life goes on and new growth is happening. The circle of life. As Boston, one of the great bands of my adolescence, sang, "Don't Look Back".
Staying home from church this morning to allow my wife and kids a rest following two days of family Christmas-ing, and thought I'd drop in on Painted Deserts to quench a thirst. Wow! What a wonderful post this was -- "Thanksliving". And I am so blessed that because of my brief visit to House Church in October I know some of the folks for which you give thanks -- and even witnessed myself some of the gifts they presented (i.e., eschatology -- WTHDTM?). The Spirit is moving in your Church and I watch -- a bit enviously -- from afar.
God's riches blessings to you in the new year.
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