OK, so this is a test - only a test. A test of: 'is anyone actually paying attention to this blog'?
So, make a comment, and receive a gift, it is that simple. Your comment can be, I want my free gift! That's OK! Even if you don't want or need a gift, put a comment down under this post, please.
I look every day to see if you've updated.
Thanks to you and Amy for everything you've done over the past nine months. We all love you guys for opening your home to us on so many occasions, even though your world was in turmoil.
I check every day to see if you've updated.
Thanks to you and Amy for all you have done. We love you guys for opening your home to us for so many things during the past nine months, even though your world was in turmoil.
Yes, dear Ryan, I do read your blog, as does Earl. I typically check it three or more times per week to see if you have updated it. I also like to read the comments, if any have been posted.
God Bless,
~Connie <><
I'm here.. 12:02am and I'm here!
Well, I'm reading, but you already knew that...
I am listening.
Alright! free gifts!
Alright! Free Gifts!
Haha I don't need a gift Ryan, but I read this blog!
You are my free gift :)
Amy G.
Like Connie said, I read all the time! However, I missed this week, it's been a little crazy with Connie sick too! But, I do enjoy it when I can. This is strange, though - this morning I was thinking "I wonder if Ryan will ever post a "test" to see if we're paying attention! HAHAHAHHAA! And you did!!!!
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