Timing is a difficult thing. You can say or do something one day that is a total flop, but you might try the same thing a little later, and it works perfectly. I think often that is a question of timing - ours vs. God's.
When I was fired last April 3oth, I thought the timing was all wrong (not that I wanted to get fired at all!). Lily had one year left before going to school all day, and Amy desperately wanted to spend much of that time with her (instead she is working all day!). I was hoping for Nathan to be able to finish out his time at PRCA, since he was going into 5th grade and PRCA ends after 6th grade (that's still up in the air). I had been looking for an opportunity to do something different for some time (but no doors opened up to us) - it felt like I was cut adrift when I received that letter saying I was terminated. No clear path, unsure what to do or where to go.
And yet, looking back, God seems to be ordering all things. The last months have flown by as we have sought the Lord and experimented with what it means to live in true community, and to collectively study the word of God deeply. We had a very successful retreat in January, a great time of togetherness and seeking God's will in which so many took a leadership role in one way or another. We had a wonderful coffee shop concert in North Arlington that drew in a lot of people.
Now, as we continue to heal, I am starting to hear different things from different people. Some are ready to 'move on' and 'find a path'. Some think we should find a bigger facility. Some are scared to 'lose' the community that God has forged over the past few months if we were to grow too large.
Let's do this...let's continue to ask the Lord what HE would have us do. Rather than coming up with great plans on our own, let's seek the Lord and be silent before Him. Where would He have us go? Where can we join Him in the kingdom work he is already blessing? What might God say to us through an apostle like Paul - for good and bad? Most of all, let's be patient as we seek His face. I believe He will make Himself known to us when the time is right!
Think about these words God spoke to Solomon in I Chronicles 28:
9 "And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. 10 Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work."
FFH has a song "Lord Move or Move Me". I think He moved me. I'm excited, if not a tiny bit fearful (comfort zone issues) as to where the Lord is leading us. There's always a bit of apprehension when you head out into uncharted waters, but I'm looking forward to the journey.
I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts.
I believe we should search for a venue that would allow everyone who wanted to participate the opportunity to express what's in their heart for our path.
We certainly don't need to rush, but we do need to consider what opportunities God might place in our path.
I like the name PATHWAYS by the way!
I love the name pathways, as well. I feel calm. Peaceful. Cautiously excited. I am thankful for each one of you and the ways in which you add to my life!
AMEN!!! And DITTO! Almighty God has the power and the wisdom to take us to new heights and new beginnings. The mountaintop is just ahead. What a delightful journey on the way there!
~Connie <><
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