But, as we have studied more deeply the scriptures, things seem more complex to me. I realize that even when Jesus is teaching or speaking, things seem murkier at then end of his talk than at the beginning. And I have known for a long time that many, many conscientious followers of Jesus disagree about certain passages of scripture and what they mean for our lives. (Consider I Corinthians 14)
So, I have gone back to the basic building blocks to understand what role scripture needs to play in my life. I am considering two questions: 1) How should I read the Bible and what role should the Bible play in my life?
For the next few weeks at House Church I am going to us some materials to prod our thinking in this direction...for those of you who are readers, you may want to access these materials:
* Reading the Bible Wisely, by Richard Briggs
* How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart
* Word Pictures, Brian Godawa
I believe we will profit from challenging one another to consider the role God's word should play in our lives...
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