Gibbons House Church Spring 2010...
* Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 9th
-- We will meet at the Elliott’s on this day at 10:30am, and there will be no common meal, so that we can enjoy some family time.
* Sunday, May 23rd
-- We will be heading to the Greenville Oaks Church of Christ to help them care for their kids during ‘Vision Sunday’. We will meet to leave at the Gibbons at 9am...all hands will be needed this day. They need 30+ folks in order to take care of the number of children they have and are counting on us...so WE NEED YOU!
* Sunday, June 6th
-- We have been invited to join the Pilot Point Church of Christ, just outside of Denton for worship and dinner on the grounds down on the lake. We will meet to leave at 9:30am at the Gibbons, and be back around 5pm. Each family needs to bring a covered dish to share...
* Friday, June 18th - Saturday, June 26th
-- AXIS trip to Colorado. We will leave at 8am, Friday morning the 18th and head to see our friends the MacKenzie’s in Colorado Springs, for a couple of days. On Sunday we will head over to Vail, Colorado and spend some time with the Trappist Monks at Snowmass as well as enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Rocky Mountains.
-- JP and I have an intern coming this Summer named Megan MacKenzie. She is currently a student at York College in Nebraska, and is the daughter of some of Amy and I’s oldest friends in ministry. In addition to her work with Peripetee, we are allotting a certain number of her hours each week to help with house church. Megan is a very capable gal who has a heart for ministry and people. More info to follow on her specific duties...
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