"Many churches which are desperate for renewal - or at least change - tend to overlook the fact that you cannot produce a new quality in the church by changing the structures...Changing a church by changing some outward forms is as futile as trying to change your mentality by changing your clothes or walking backwards...Adding a new mission statement or some other cosmetic alteration without a radical genetic reformation of the church will only lead to frustration - like sewing a patch of new cloth onto old cloth, which, Jesus says, is bad advice.
Revival and reformation truly start with a complete rediscovery and reconstruction of the core essence of the church, with New Testament DNA, the genetic code of God, supernaturally empowered with growth potential from within."
As we have grown closer to the retreat this weekend, all the excuses have started to trickle in...I have this Friday night or my brother has this deal or this other thing has come up. I can't tell you what a bummer that is as I try to prepare for an event. It has always been disappointing to work hard on something that you want to share with everyone and not see folks match that excitement, passion and discipline.
But that disappointment seems all the more acute now that I don't work for 'the Church'. My time is now much like yours. Peripetee business has had to slow to a near standstill this week (thanks, JP for giving me that time) in order for me to be ready for this retreat. And the reality is, this IS an important weekend for our little community. We only have 30 folks, so there is no guarantee someone is out there waiting to step into your shoes if you aren't present. The theme of the retreat is 'wide open' - which I think is what the future is for us -- wide open. But we need you to be there in order to hear from everyone in our community -- there is not a later date to 'catch everyone up'. There are no do-overs or spark notes.
So my encouragement to you is to not allow the things of this world to crowd out the things of God. Be open. Be receptive. Be willing to share. And come. Come ready...to listen, to worship and to share life together.
Colossians 3...
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
1 comment:
Folks that don't share your sense of importance or urgency can be dissappointing and frustrating. I have so many things on my mind that are stressful,..and I don't think I handle stress so well,...so my natural tendency is to stay and try to attend to those things,...but the truth is, they will be here when I return and what's more, my staying to focus on them will not make those things and issues much better or hurry them along,......so,...I think getting away to focus on more lasting topics is what I NEED,..maybe not what my physical body WANTS, but what I NEED,...and as I said, my tendency is not to NOT focus on things I NEED.
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