* Our faith life needs to be a path of transformation to a person we are BEING -- to see our walk with God as a way of life.
* These changes are NOT A QUICK FIX
* The Church has had an overemphasis on the conversion moment, and not enough emphasis on what type of person we are becoming!
* We need to slay the dragons of fear, especially regarding our own personal comfort zones
* Avoid the blind spots as we use our imagination
* Reduce our personal stuff
* We need to BE the metaphor and find the relatability
* What is out of whack? ME (Anne)
* We need to approach as a lifestyle as opposed to something we sign up for
* Ask ourselves the question - what are we doing personally in the kingdom? Not only $, but also time, and share with the group.
* Need to seek out unknown relationships, even within the group (Corwin)
* Need to consider the difference between want and need -- for ourselves as well as others.
* FOCUS: truth, acceptance and seek what the word really says, not what we want it to say
* We need to give back (tithe - Donna), make a commitment to simple service
* Determine what we can do and DO IT
* Leave the house and leave a trail
* Cultivate an awareness of real life, and the struggles and blessings within our community and those around us
* Cultivate and talk about reality, even when it involves panties and boogers
* Develop an ear to listen and help those in need
* Be there for others and inspire confidence
* Relationship - find the metaphor that speaks to this person?
* Cultivate a different perspective as we ask what can we do for our neighborhood
* Take our common meal outside
* We need to combine our ideas (ex. nursing home) and bring together people of different strengths
* We need to fight for it...we may be small, but through God we can be mighty! We need to address needs in our community, like drops in the ocean.
* We need to help people find the aha - change venues, make our own videos, use creative talents of our group (Greg F)
* We need to stay and play in our league and neighborhood
* Can you sell it (Donna) - we are selling ourselves, and what God is doing among us. How does reaching out meet the needs of the group.
* We need to focus on one thing while allowing people to be who they are - where they are
* We need to decide how will we handle it when God brings us a black hole of neediness...and figure out what it means to truly love our neighbor. How will we handle it when the most loving response is to say no?
* Develop a rhythm of disciplines
* Put ancient practices into our daily life
* Be attentive to the Holy Spirit and join God
* Look to nature to define systems that can help us: consider spiritual disciplines, mentoring and transparency. How can we create systems that nurture these.
* We need to conform to God’s rhythm
* We need to do the unexpected and live it, be in the moment.
* We need to let the word of God speak as we are involved in other folks lives
* We need to do something because God is calling us. To daily be aware and be Jesus.
* Think through the instincts of a child
* We need to dream, and not allow the fear of the unknown or our comfort zones
* Pig at an islamic funeral (bobby h) - no idea what the context was, but that was hilarious
* BEWARE - there are positive as well as negative results of implementing an idea.
1. Check out http://www.adullamdenver.com/
2. Pray over these lists as we prepare to choose leaders
1 comment:
What a timely email DeeDee sent out this morning (Oct 22). It is pointed right at some of the things we have been discussing since the retreat began.
I hope I'm not stealing her thunder by posting it here.
I feel so burdened myself, that sometimes I can't even see
others burdens. But Jesus reminds me that if I am to be like him, I
will be a burden carrier. This is why he came, why he died, and why
his resurrection is so important -- to lift from us the burdens of
sin, death, and depravity. He has blessed us by carrying our
heaviest burdens so that we might lighten the load of those around
Compassionate Father, help me to see the burdens in the lives of
others around me and then respond to those burdens with help. I
want to be a blessing to the broken and discouraged, so please help
me find my place and my way of serving to your glory. In Jesus'
name. Amen.
TODAY'S VERSE from HEARTLIGHT -- http://www.heartlight.org/
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