Sunday, September 13, 2009


Following our discussion this morning, I just wanted to post a couple of questions and thoughts that were raised so you can chew on them further this week...

1. This morning we discussed the people in our lives who we felt had shown us the greatest picture of discipleship. Most of the people mentioned were what one might term 'average folk.' Aunts, friends of the family, grandparents, etc. Folks who loved and served and consistently lived out the presence and spirit of Christ in front of us.

Based on these examples, what do you think the true definition of a 'disciple' is?

2. What does it mean to be a disciple in our culture today? Is it different today than it was in the time of Christ? Why or why not?

3. Turn and look at the end of Matthew 28...why do you think Jesus specifically commissioned his followers to go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations? How is that that different than the commission offered in many American Churches today?

4. In the video we watched, Ray Vander Laan challenged his listeners that the disciple (talmid) is not someone who wants to know what the rabbi knows, rather he or she is someone who wants to BE what the Rabbi IS. A disciple, Vander Laan says, is 'consumed with being like our rabbi.' How consumed are we today? How badly do we want to be like Jesus?

I pray that this is a GREAT week for you, and may you be covered in the dust of your rabbi!

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