But those words: 'first importance' they keep ringing in my head. If a teacher tells you something is of first importance for an upcoming test, what will you do? Of course, you will focus on those subjects above other areas.
Is it possible, then, that certain scriptures or commandments or statutes or principles carry more weight than others? Is that why John tells us in the 20th chapter of his gospel...that Jesus did many other signs and wonders than are recorded in his gospel, but that he wrote these particular stories down 'so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.' Does that mean that those other stories or signs or wonders are of no account? Certainly not, but John has chosen those which, by the prompting of the Spirit, seem to be the most convicting...
Read Matthew 22:34-40...what do you think Jesus is trying to say here? And what does it mean for how we study the rest of scripture?
1 comment:
This is the filter through which a Christian should think, speak, or do anything: Are you loving God, and are you loving others like you love yourself?
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