William Barclay, the famous Anglican scholar had this commentary regarding that passage from the book of Matthew...
"Throughout all its history the Church has clung to the old. What Jesus is saying is that there comes a time when patching is folly, and when the only thing to do is scrap something entirely and to begin again. There are forms of church governance, there are forms of church service, there are forms of words expressing our beliefs, which we do often try to adjust and tinker with in order to bring them up to date; we try to patch them. No one would willingly, or recklessly or callously abandon what has stood the test of time and of the years in which former generations have found their comfort and put their trust; but the fact remains that this is a growing, expanding universe: and there comes a time when patches are useless, and when a man and a church have to accept the adventure of the new, or withdraw into the backwater, where they worship, not God, but the past." -- William Barclay, Daily Study Bible
Consider that the man who penned those words died long before the world wide web, or cell phones, or even personal computers. What an amazing statement this is, and how forward thinking from a man who had not even seen some of the most amazing ideas of his century come to pass! What do you and I need to stop tinkering with, and scrap completely -- not only as a community of faith, but in our own personal lives, as well?
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