Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 10 -- Robert Saves the Day!!

Well, we are now in Jackson, Wyoming on what has been the most eventful day of the trip so far. This morning Pick was in the gift shop so Johnny, Robert and I were cleaning out the van while we waited. As we dropped stuff in the trash can, I had the van keys in my left hand. Suddenly I realized that I had dropped the keys into the trash can along with everything else. I calmly said to Johnny and Robert, ‘Umm, can I tell you about the dumb thing I just did?’ This was one of those special bear-proof cans and we had the devil of a time getting those keys back out. I thought that would be the highlight of the blog today, but that was not to be.

So we started touring around Yellowstone. We stopped at a Spring and a Mudhole and Yellowstone Lake, and we were having a great time. But, as you know, my son Nathan is a big animal lover, so as we were about to exit Yellowstone National Park, I spotted a bison, and got out of the van to take a picture. The boys were in the van hatching an escape plan, as we had just watched a video at the welcome center telling us not approach the wildlife. I scooted closer to get a good shot for Nate (PLEASE look at the picture -- it could have cost Robert his life) and suddenly, the bison turned on me. I scampered back toward the van just as Robert jumped out to save me. He wrapped his left arm under the Bison’s neck and hopped on his back. He rode that Bison for about 50 feet until the bison suddenly made a sharp left turn and Robert was struck in the head by a low hanging limb. He had to dash to higher ground, and, as you can see by the picture, he barely came out with his life. Robert, the entire Gibbons family thanks you for saving my life today!

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