Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Borrowing a page from Wild, Wild West

So, the first image in the picture was the temple...Jesus telling the Jews that he would rebuild this enormous temple in three days, as he painted himself, as the new high priest of a new kind of temple.

So this week will look at the image of water, from the parting of the red sea to a new definition in the New Testament...

Take a look at these passages tonight before we study together in the morning...II Kings 5, Ex 12-15, Matt. 3:16, Romans 4, 6, 10.


Anonymous said...

I love that verse in Exodus 14:14....
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." I know that has nothing to do with water, but I really like that verse! I always seem to be trying to "help" God fight for me instead of being still.

Amy Gibbons

Ryan Gibbons said...

How many times is that the advice we should heed -- you need only be still!