Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009
3D Glasses

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
House Church Retreat

Topic for Sunday

Book Club Schedule

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves both saint and sinner
The life long faithful - the death bed beginner
He loves the tax xollector and the tax evader
He loves Luke Skywalker and he loves Darth Vader
He loves the home of the free and the land of the brave
The poorest of the poor with child labor slaves
He loves those who are both pro-life and pro-war
Just as those who are pro-choice and for elevating the poor
Yes - I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves burnt orange and crimson red
He hooks’ em horns and flips’ em down
He loves the smiles of the victors
And the losers’ tears and their frowns
He loves good guys just as much as the enemy
He loves Steven Spielberg and he loves Ron Jeremy
He loves Obama and McCain and he still loves George Bush
He loves Osama and T. Pain and those who pull weight and kick-push
He loves the raging alcoholic
Just as the man who’s never touched a bottle
He loves the obese who can’t get out of bed
Just as much as the bulimic runway model
He loves left brained analyzers and right brained creatives
He loves immigrants with an accent just as much as the natives
He loves those with bank accounts and those who only fold cash
He loves those dressed in white and he loves Johnny Cash
Yes - I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers
He loves Irish Catholics and the Puritan Quakers
He loves Hip-Hop and he loves Rock’s Roll
He loves salsa - meringue - and R&B soul
He loves Garth Brooks and Stevie Wonder
Myley Cyrus and Jay-Z
He loves Reba McIntyre and the Jonas Brothers
N’Sync and Ice T.
He loves non-supernatural atheists
Just as Christians who live by the Bible
He loves Hindus - Muslims and Buddhists
Simon - Paula and American Idol
He loves communist China just as much as the U.S. of A.
He loves Sarah Palin and he loves Tina Fey
He loves Fidel Castro and Kofi Annan
He loves gumbo and etoufee -- egg drop soup and won-ton
Yes - I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves Dancing with the Stars
And the cow that jumped over the moon
He loves the great white hope Larry Bird
And the black hall of fame quarterback Warren Moon
He loves the Yankees and the Red Sox
The Steinbrenner’s and whoever owns Boston
He loves the Cowboys - and yes - Jerry Jones
No matter how much the new stadium cost ‘em
He loves the overachievers in life
And those who believe c’s get degrees
He loves the man who just won’t stop running
And the woman who prays for him on her knees
He loves Brittney Spears on stage
And Brittney Spears when she’s bald
He loves Michael Vick on the football field
And when the prison guard calls
Yes - I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves the black sheep in the family
And the pink elephant in the room
He loves the immorally tolerant
And the intolerably crude
He loves warm fur coats and the people at PETA
He loves steak and potatoes and vegetarian fajitas
He loves stone builders and those who cast the first stone
He loves Mother Theresa and he loves Sharon Stone
He loves those who sprint and those who can’t walk
He loves the eloquent speaker and those who don’t talk
He loves red-headed pastors and Jewish Rabbi’s
He loves those fervent in the congregation and
those who gossip and tell lies
Yes - I am in love with a hypocrite
He loves both saint and sinner
The life long faithful and the death bed beginner
The only thing he doesn’t like is the sin - but he loves the sinner
The only thing he dislikes is the sin - but he loves the sinner
As a matter of fact - he hates the sin - but he loves the sinner
Therefore - he is NOT a hypocrite - that’s what my ego calls him
He is NOT a hypocrite - though our culture expects him to choose sides
He is NOT a hypocrite - although he loves those we love and
he loves those we hate
Yes - he goes by many - many names - but has only one Son
Neither of them are hypocrites - they merely desire for us to be one.
-- Will Richey, December 2008
I am very proud to say I commissioned this poem from Will for our Advent Service in 2008. I am more proud to know Will and count him as a friend and brother. He is ridiculously gifted and every time we get a chance to do something together, I am always better for it. Many of you have asked for the text to the poem, so here you go!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
DOING Church

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Burying the tendril

Friday, October 23, 2009
Lost something?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Soul

The soul, in many religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies, is the spiritual and eternal part of a living being, commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; as distinct from the physical part. It is typically thought to consist of ones consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self. The soul is believed to live on after the person’s physical death, and some religions posit that God creates souls. In some cultures, non-human living things, and sometimes other objects (such as rivers) are said to have souls, a belief known as animism.
-- Wikipedia
It can be tough to differentiate at times between soul and spirit, terms which are often used interchangeably. But check out these verses, which list them side by side, thereby suggesting that they are, in fact, different.
* I Thessalonians 5:22-24
* Hebrews 4:11-13
* I Peter 2:10-12
* Ephesians 6, ESPECIALLY verse 12. It seems that there are realms which we may sense, but cannot ‘see’ that are playing a part in our story. Quantum Physics is backing that up at the moment, discussing dimensions that are there but may not be ‘visible’ to the naked eye. So, what is our soul? Does it change as time goes on? What is the difference between our soul and our spirit?
Finally, it may help to go back and look at the Creation story in Genesis 1, especially the part about man in verses 26-ff. God endows qualities within man that are not given to others, the most important one being that we are designed in God’s own image. What does that mean? How are we LIKE God? We aren’t eternal or all-knowing, so which attributes of the God-head are we like? OK, your turn to chime in now!
Luke 13

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A toast to Donna Akins
Eschatology - what the hell does that mean?

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Narrow Door

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Upcoming Calendar!
Luke 12

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Luke 11...Continued

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Light and Darkness

Turn To Me...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Only if you mean it...

Friday, September 18, 2009
Discipleship, Part 2

Thank You!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Starting a new week!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tomorrow's Gathering
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Church That Shall Remain Nameless Near My Office
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sleep Tight

I am here at my computer, having had a marginal day which was uplifted, as usual, by my book club and time at the Foster's. In addition, Connie Bingham gave me a devotional book this evening, and it had something in it that I just HAD to share with you!
Singing through life

After working with DeeDee and Steve for several years, I can't believe I am blogging about this, but here goes:
Monday, August 31, 2009

If you can handle one more Shel Silverstein poem, this one struck me between the eyes...